Lojwa Rats, Devil Dogs, Flyboys, Soldiers, Sailors, and Civilians - Enewetak Atoll Clean-up Healthca
It's Time for the Madness to Stop "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used" a
War Tales Atomic War Vet, last of a dying breed – Andy Hawkinson served on Eniwetok in the ’50s
Colonel Bob Bauchspies, Commander, Joint Task Group, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands (1978-79) - RI
Nuclear Fallout - Decontamination of Naval Vessels on Guam and Lojwa Animal from Enewetak Atoll Clea
Un-Remembered “Nuclear Holocaust” World’s First Thermonuclear Explosion Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Clean-up Costs could Exceed $3 Billion (1999)
“My Life Has Been Taken!” - Recollection of Service on Eniwetok Atoll by Orville Kelly, US Army (195
A Visit to ‘Ground Zero’ - Runit Island Enewetak Atoll-Atomic Clean-up 1977-80