Maine soldier gets much-deserved recognition years after service - Decades Delayed for Enewetak Atol
Chris Rose, WCSH 10:16 PM. EDT May 26, 2017 AUGUSTA, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- They are the unknown soldiers who served their country in an...
Marshalls remain hampered and co-opted by US, says Pilger
From Dateline Pacific, 5:01 am on 18 April 2017 A filmmaker says the Marshall Islands remains a key installation for American military...
Army vet part of nuclear cleanup - Ongoing efforts of the Enewetak Atoll Veterans for Healthcare Par
By GORDON JACKSON - (March 8, 2017) The most dangious island in the South Paciifc, Enewetak Atoll, Runit Crater - Atomic Debris storage...
Guam Senator Terlaje fighting for Agent Orange victims, participants in atomic clean-up of Enewetak
By Ken Quintanilla KUAM News - Feb 23, 2017 It's something she spent years advocating for and now as a freshman lawmaker, Senator Therese...
Hawaii - Introducing The Mark Takai Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act H.R. 632 and S. 283 - 115t
UPDATED 2/6/2017: U.S. Sens. Mazie Hirono and Al Franken want health care benefits for Americans who were exposed to radiation when...
Struggle continues for compensation for radiation exposure - Enewetak Atoll
By Sabrina Salas Matanane Bio Email Robert Celestial started the fight over a decade ago and he doesn't plan to stop. "We're always...
Atomic veterans continue push for recognition and compensation
Topics: Returning Home to Battle - Categories: Dig By Jennifer LaFleur / November 11, 2016 Veterans who participated in the U.S. atomic...
A Journey's End! A Solider, Lawmaker, Husband, Father, Son to a Nation - Laid to Rest - Remember
All the veterans of Enewetak Atoll, who served during the clean-up project during 1977-80 wish to express our sincere appreciation and...
Minnesota man reflects on his role in atomic bomb test Wilfred "Bill" Hemker
By Richard Chin, St. Paul Pioneer Press on Jul 3, 2016 at 5:21 p.m. SPRING LAKE PARK, Minn. — Thanks to the anniversary of this nation’s...
Bikini Islanders Still Deal With Fallout US Nuclear Tests 70 Years Later
Photo Credit: © (Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images) The Baker test during Operation Crossroads, a series of two nuclear weapons tests...