Enewetak Atoll Veterans seeking GoFundMe Funding for "Operation Stand Together" - May 20,
We are the members of the Enewetak Atoll Radiologicial Cleanup Project who served as part of the U.S. effort to clean up the atomic...

Personal Letter on behalf of the Enewetak Atoll Clean-up Veterans Seeking Atomic Veterans Healthcare
Dear to Whom it may Concern, I wish to bring to your attention the plight of service members who participated in the 1977-1980 Enewetak...

Hello, my name is Harry Daniel, we are dying from honorable service to the Government re: Enewetak A
Hello, my name is Harry Daniel and I'm going to tell you about something that very few people know about. I am one of the 325 known...

"Radioactive Veteran" winner SPARK best documentary - Story of Donald Guy US Marine died,
Photo - Donald Guy (middle) participated in Operation Upshot-Knothole in 1953 in the Nevada Desert. Congratulations to Mark Wampler for...

A Poem! Enewetak Brothers and Comrades as Friends in Paradise Atomic Blast Contamination Clean-up 1
The Enewetak 8,000 Our Forgotten "Atomic Veterans" I arrived in the sun just under 21; I walked off the plane just as it begun to rain; I...

Duty, Honor, Country - 84th Engineer Battalion (Heavy) - Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands - Never Dau
84th Engineer Battalion (Heavy) The 84th Engineer Battalion traces its roots and the chameleon symbol to 31 March 1930, when it was...

Testimony by Keith Kiefer, Director, National Association of Atomic Veterans to Committee on Veteran
Testimony June 29, 2016 - Mr. Keith Kiefer, NAAV (National Association of Atomic Veterans) Director at Large. NAAV Minnesota State!...

Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Testimony by Senator Franken - Senate Committee - Veterans' Af
Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act Remarks Senator Al Franken (as prepared for delivery) Thank you Chairman Isakson and Ranking...

Lost in Time (Classified) Enewetak Atoll Barred from Litigation due to atomic debris contamination
When one enters the US military there is a commitment of the individual to offer the government the ultimate sacrifice if in events leads...

Seize the day - Carpe Diem - Where are you going into the future?
Well, we are finally counting down the days from 2015 to 2016, less than four days, 96-hours. 5,760-minutes. We are done with the past...