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A Note to Service, and Sacriface

Honoring the Legacy of Our Fallen Comrades

As we continue to honor the legacy and sacrifices of those who served alongside us at Enewetak Atoll, I would like to extend a heartfelt tribute to our fallen comrades. Though they may no longer walk among us, their spirit and dedication to duty will forever echo in our hearts and minds.

In our ongoing series of tribute stories, we’ve had the privilege of commemorating the lives of many brave servicemen who contributed to the Atomic Radiological Cleanup Project. Their courage, resilience, and camaraderie have been rightfully celebrated. However, we know there are others whose stories remain untold, veterans whose sacrifices have yet to be recognized.

If you know of veterans who served at Enewetak Atoll and have since passed away, I encourage you to share their names and stories with us. Let us ensure that their service and sacrifices are never forgotten, that their memory lives on in the annals of history where it belongs. Together, we can ensure that these men, who gave so much in the service of their country, receive the honor they so richly deserve.

The legacy of our fallen comrades will forever inspire and guide us as we continue to uphold the values of duty, honor, and service. Their contributions to the Atomic Cleanup Project on Enewetak Atoll were not just acts of service but acts of heroism that ensured the safety of future generations. Their bravery in the face of danger and their unyielding commitment to their mission are qualities we must never forget.

Please get in touch with me directly with any information or stories you’d like to share. Let’s ensure that each and every veteran who served at Enewetak Atoll receives the recognition and tribute they deserve. We owe it to them, and we owe it to ourselves, to keep their memories alive.

With the deepest respect and gratitude,


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