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From Service to Sacrifice: Cold-War, Hot Ground Introducing the Atomic Cleanup Story Of the Marshall Islands Book One, authored by T.M Fitgerald.

From Service to Sacrifice: Cold-War, Hot Ground Introducing the Atomic Cleanup Story of the Marshall Islands, Book One by T.M. Fitzgerald, explores the harrowing experiences of atomic veterans tasked with the cleanup of nuclear testing sites in the Marshall Islands. The book offers a detailed account of the operations and the long-term consequences faced by these veterans, many of whom served on Enewetak Atoll.

Impact on Enewetak Atoll Veterans

The book highlights the struggles of Enewetak Atoll veterans, who worked in hazardous conditions without full awareness of the long-term health risks from radiation exposure. These veterans continue to face severe health challenges, often without proper recognition or support. Fitzgerald exposes the toll this mission has taken on their lives, both physically and emotionally, and the fight for justice that still continues.

Goals of the Publication

  1. Raise Awareness: Shed light on the forgotten stories of atomic veterans and their role in the cleanup of nuclear testing sites.

  2. Seek Recognition: Advocate for proper recognition and compensation for the veterans who risked their health during the operations.

  3. Expose the Cover-Up: Bring transparency to the often overlooked or denied health risks associated with radiation exposure.

  4. Inspire Change: Motivate action from the public and policymakers to address the needs of atomic veterans.

  5. Preserve History: Serve as a historical document that records the sacrifices of these veterans for future generations.

Where to Get

From Service to Sacrifice: Cold-War, Hot Ground, Book One, can be found at:

  1. Amazon – Available in paperback or eBook format.

  2. Barnes & Noble – Check online or in-store.

  3. Independent bookstores – Local or online independent book retailers.

  4. Author’s website – If T.M. Fitzgerald has an official site, it may be available for direct purchase.

  5. Other online retailers – Platforms that specialize in books may carry it.


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