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Ode to the Atomic Veteran

Ode to the Atomic Veteran-

by J.D. Ryder

In the quiet dawn of July's embrace,

We gather in a sacred space,

To honor those who bore the weight,

Of silent service, sealed by fate.

Beneath the skies where echoes rang,

In lands where only shadows hang,

They stood with courage, hearts so true,

For duties done, for red, white, blue.

Their stories etched in sands of time,

Of barren lands and tests sublime,

Of whispered winds and silent cries,

Of brothers lost beneath the skies.

In every heart, a heavy toll,

In every memory, a soul,

Yet through the pain, they held their line,

In service pure, in strength divine.

Today we stand, their legacy,

In silent awe and unity,

We share their tales, their silent screams,

Their sacrifice, their shattered dreams.

With empathy, we hold their hands,

Across the seas, across the lands,

With hearts that break, yet spirits high,

We honor them beneath this sky.

For every shadow, every scar,

For battles fought both near and far,

We bow our heads, in memory,

Of Atomic Veterans, eternally.

May peace be with them, those who gave,

Their all, so steadfast and so brave,

In our hearts, they’ll always stay,

As we remember them today.


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