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RIP Honor Atomic Veteran Robert George Hogan, Jr.

A Life of Service, Sacrifice, and Unwavering Commitment

The passing of Robert George Hogan, Jr., at the age of 62, serves as a somber reminder of the profound bond that united the brave souls involved in the Enewetak Atoll Cleanup Project. Robert’s journey began in West Liberty, Iowa, where he set forth on a path of honor and distinction that would define his life.

Service to Country and Perseverance As a Sergeant in the United States Army, Robert’s military service took him to diverse and challenging assignments, from San Francisco to the DMZ of the Republic of Korea, and ultimately to the critical and hazardous Enewetak Atoll Cleanup Project in the Marshall Islands. His dedication exemplifies the unwavering commitment of those who served in this historic and dangerous mission, contributing to the safety of future generations through sheer grit and perseverance.

A Tireless Work EthicRobert’s retirement after 38 years from North Star Steel/Gerdau Ameristeel echoes his tireless dedication, a reflection of the same perseverance that characterized his work during the Enewetak cleanup. A talented mechanic, Robert’s proficiency extended to small motors and electronics, demonstrating the same resourcefulness required in the demanding environment of the South Pacific.

A Man of Depth and ModestyRobert was not only a man of action but also a man of intellect and humor. His deep passion for world and U.S. history revealed his intellectual curiosity and reverence for the past, while his role as an Amateur Radio License holder and HAM Radio operator highlighted his love for communication—an essential skill in remote and challenging environments like the Marshall Islands.

Despite his vast talents and accomplishments, Robert was known as a “gentle giant”, modest and private, yet always maintaining a wicked sense of humor that brought joy to those around him. His love for nature, especially fishing and animals, allowed him to connect deeply with the world in quiet, personal ways.

A Tribute to Brotherhood and SacrificeThough there will be no formal services due to COVID-19, Robert’s life will be celebrated among friends in a post-pandemic gathering. This occasion will stand as a reminder of the shared experiences, hardships, and camaraderie that defined the Enewetak Atoll Cleanup Project—a bond forged in the crucible of service and sacrifice that remains eternally unbroken.

As we bid farewell to Robert George Hogan, Jr., we honor not only the remarkable individual he was but also the enduring brotherhood shared among those who participated in the challenging cleanup project on Enewetak Atoll. Their collective sacrifice, dedication to duty, and commitment to one another in the remote South Pacific setting will forever be etched in our hearts.

Robert's journey may have ended, but his legacy lives on in the hearts of those he touched. We honor his memory and the memories of all those who stood shoulder to shoulder with him in this historic undertaking, united by a shared purpose and a deep sense of duty. The unbreakable bond of comradeship will always remain, reminding us of the sacrifices made in the service of our nation.


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