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Tribute to Atomic Veteran David Brooks

Rank: E-4

Branch: Navy

MOS: Hull Technician

Unit: ACU-1

Service Dates: October 15, 1979 - July 20, 1980

Location: Enewetak and Lojwa

Role: Welded and repaired LCMs and 8 boats

Tribute to Atomic Veteran David Brooks, Silent Defender of Enewetak’s Shores

In honor of our brave Atomic Veterans - David Brooks, a committed Navy Hull Technician, served his country during the critical operations at Enewetak Atoll. David's work focused on maintaining and repairing essential equipment, particularly the LCMs and boats that were instrumental in the cleanup efforts. His role was vital in ensuring that these vessels remained operational despite the harsh and hazardous conditions.

Stationed at both Enewetak and Lojwa, David faced the relentless challenges of working in an environment that had been severely impacted by nuclear testing. His work required not only technical expertise but also a strong sense of duty and resilience. Despite the physical and mental demands of his role, David remained committed to the mission, contributing significantly to the overall success of the cleanup operations.

Following his service, David has experienced several health issues, including unexplained bumps on his legs and arms, which have spread to his neck. Additionally, he faces severe skin reactions when exposed to the sun, with swelling and redness that are difficult to manage. Despite these challenges, David has struggled to have his service at Enewetak recognized by the Navy, and his efforts to receive assistance have been met with denial.

David's experience highlights the often-overlooked struggles of Atomic Veterans who have sacrificed their health in service to their country. The lack of recognition and support he has encountered is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by those who served in hazardous environments.

As we honor David Brooks's service, we recognize the vital role he played in the Enewetak cleanup and the personal toll it has taken on his health. His dedication and commitment to duty exemplify the spirit of our Atomic Veterans, and his story will not be forgotten.


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