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Tribute to Atomic Veteran Roger Dale Yearwood

Atomic Veteran Roger Dale Yearwood

Rank: E-4

Branch: Air Force

Role: 46450 (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)

Unit: 475th Supply Squadron, Yokota AB Japan

Service Dates: 8/1/1977 - 3/1/1978

Stations: Lojwa

Honoring Roger Dale Yearwood: A Dedicated EOD Specialist at Enewetak Atoll

Roger Dale Yearwood served with unwavering dedication in the United States Air Force as an E-4, specializing in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) under the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 46450. Assigned to the 475th Supply Squadron at Yokota Air Base in Japan, Roger's service spanned from August 1, 1977, to March 1, 1978. During his deployment to Lojwa, Roger took on critical responsibilities, including the disposal of explosive ordnance and assisting the Field Radiation Survey Team (FRST) with monitoring tasks. His role was essential in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of operations involving hazardous materials, contributing significantly to the cleanup efforts at Enewetak Atoll.

Roger’s commitment to his duties in explosive ordnance disposal exemplified the Air Force's core values of duty, honor, and country. The nature of his work required not only technical expertise and precision but also immense bravery. By handling and safely disposing of explosive ordnance, Roger played a vital role in the environmental remediation efforts at Enewetak Atoll, ensuring the safety of his fellow servicemen and the successful completion of the mission. His dedication to the task at hand, as well as to his fellow airmen, was a true testament to his deep sense of duty and honor.

Those who served alongside Roger remember him for his meticulous approach and unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of his team. The disposal of explosive ordnance and the task of assisting with radiation monitoring demanded precision, teamwork, and a strong work ethic—qualities that Roger consistently demonstrated. His peers recall his determination, technical proficiency, and the pride he took in his work. Roger’s commitment to his role and his team was evident in his daily efforts to support the mission, contributing to the overall success of the cleanup operations.

The impact of Roger’s contributions to the cleanup efforts at Enewetak Atoll is enduring. His work in explosive ordnance disposal and radiation monitoring was a crucial component of the environmental restoration project. Roger’s legacy is one of perseverance, technical skill, and dedication, setting a high standard for those who follow in his footsteps. His efforts not only ensured the immediate safety of those involved but also contributed to the long-term health and safety of the atoll's environment.

During his tour of duty on Enewetak Atoll, Roger Dale Yearwood demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in his dual roles. Serving primarily on Lojwa, he was responsible for the careful disposal of explosive ordnance and for assisting the FRST with radiation monitoring—tasks that were vital to the success of the cleanup operations. Roger’s service on Enewetak Atoll is a powerful testament to his dedication, reflecting the critical role played by those who worked tirelessly to restore the atoll and protect those involved in the mission.

Roger’s service has not been without its challenges, but his dedication and resilience have never wavered. The experiences and lessons learned during his time in the Air Force have profoundly shaped his perspective, reinforcing the importance of teamwork, dedication, and service. Roger’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who serve in the armed forces and the enduring impact of their contributions. His legacy continues to inspire, highlighting the essential roles that every service member plays in ensuring the safety and success of military operations, even in the most challenging environments.


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