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Tribute to Atomic Veteran Douglas Charles Bergstrom

Tribute to Atomic Veteran Douglas Charles Bergstrom, Resilient Engineer of Enewetak

Rank: SSgt

Branch: Defense Nuclear Agency

Role: Combat Engineer

Unit: 84th Combat Engineer

Location: Enewetak Atoll

In honor of our brave Atomic Veterans - Douglas Charles Bergstrom's journey as a living tribute to service and sacrifice is a testament to the resilience and dedication of those who served at Enewetak Atoll. Assigned to the Defense Nuclear Agency, Bergstrom played a vital role as a Combat Engineer in the cleanup efforts. Despite the passage of time, specific dates may blur, but the memories of his service remain vivid.

From his time at Fort Riley, Kansas, Bergstrom was deployed to Enewetak to join the cleanup mission. Operating heavy machinery such as front loaders and 5-ton dump trucks, he contributed to the essential task of removing radioactive debris from the atoll. His service exemplified the commitment to duty and the willingness to confront challenges head-on.

However, Bergstrom's service was not without its sacrifices. In 2007, he faced a formidable adversary in the form of head and neck cancer. The battle was arduous, requiring the removal of thirteen lumps from his head and neck. Despite the physical and emotional toll of his health struggles, Bergstrom's resolve remained unshaken, a testament to his strength of character.

As he navigates the complexities of his health challenges, Bergstrom continues to persevere with resilience and determination. While awaiting assistance, he acknowledges the support he has received thus far, grateful for the care and consideration extended to him.

Bergstrom's story serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of service and sacrifice. His unwavering commitment to duty, even in the face of adversity, reflects the highest ideals of military service. As we honor his bravery and resilience, we are reminded of the debt of gratitude owed to all those who have served their country with courage and distinction.


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