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Tribute to Atyomic Veteran Steven Roy Grimes

Rank: O-2

Branch: Army

Role: Operations Officer

Unit: 84th Engineer Battalion, Co. B

Service Dates: November 9, 1977 - May 25, 1978

Station: Enewetak Atoll

Tribute to Atomic Veteran Steven Roy Grimes: A Legacy of Valor and Sacrifice

Steven Roy Grimes's journey is woven with threads of valor, leadership, and sacrifice. As an O-2 Operations Officer for the 84th Engineer Battalion, Company B, Steven's tour of duty on Enewetak Atoll from November 9, 1977, to May 25, 1978, was characterized by his tireless efforts in coordinating and managing the cleanup operations in the aftermath of nuclear testing. His role was pivotal in one of the most challenging and hazardous military operations of its time.

Assigned the monumental task of overseeing the cleanup efforts for Company B, 84th Engineer Battalion, Steven demonstrated exceptional leadership and organizational skills. His responsibilities included the on-site coordination of Army assets, Naval boat support, and Air Force radiation teams. Steven's leadership was instrumental in ensuring the efficient and effective removal of contaminated debris from the northern islands of Enewetak. His ability to manage such a complex operation under dangerous conditions speaks volumes about his dedication and expertise.

Despite the inherent dangers of radiation exposure, Steven and his fellow soldiers pressed forward with their mission, working tirelessly to demolish buildings and remove contaminated materials. Their dedication to duty was unwavering, even in the face of adversity. The risks they faced were immense, yet their resolve never wavered, driven by a deep sense of duty to restore the islands to safety.

Steven's firsthand account sheds light on the challenging conditions faced by the cleanup crews. Sleeping on contaminated islands without adequate protective gear, such as the "banana suits," speaks to the urgency and exigency of their mission. Despite the risks, Steven and his comrades pressed on, driven by their commitment to the task at hand. The sacrifices they made in those days are a testament to the extraordinary courage required to complete such a perilous mission.

The list of islands visited by Steven reads like a roll call of courage and sacrifice. From Janet to Sally, Tilda to Ursula (Lojwa), and Vera to Yvonne (Runit), Steven left no stone unturned in his mission to restore the islands to safety. Each island represented another battle in the ongoing war against contamination, and each victory was hard-earned through the sweat and determination of Steven and his team.

However, the toll of Steven's service on Enewetak would manifest in the years to come. His battle scars are not only physical but also deeply personal, as he grapples with the aftermath of exposure to radiation. Steven's courageous fight against seven cancers serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by veterans in service to their country. His story is not just one of past heroism but of ongoing resilience in the face of profound challenges.

Steven Roy Grimes's story is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to duty. His service on Enewetak Atoll stands as a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of all who served alongside him, a legacy that will endure for generations to come. His courage, both during his service and in the battles he continues to fight, is an inspiration to all who hear his story. The legacy of Steven and his fellow veterans is a powerful reminder of the cost of service and the enduring strength of those who answer the call.


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