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Atomic Veteran David L. Wilson: A Journey of Service, Exploration, and Legacy

Honoring a Life Dedicated to Service, Knowledge, and the Quest for Understanding

Rank: Chief Logistician

Branch: U.S. Navy / Civil Service (Defense Nuclear Agency)

MOS/Job: Logistics Management

Unit: Manhattan Project / Armed Forces Special Weapons Project

Service Location: Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands

In memory of David L. Wilson, born July 18, 1927, a man whose life was a testament to service, dedication, and a passion for understanding the mysteries of existence. David served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, narrowly missing the invasion of Japan due to the atomic bombings.

His career in the Defense Nuclear Agency saw him oversee pivotal projects, including the radiological cleanup of Enewetak Atoll, a mission that allowed the Enewetak People to return home safely.

Beyond his military service, David was deeply committed to exploring the realms of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and the Afterlife, authoring the book "The Oneness" to share his insights. His work in nuclear testing and cleanup earned him the Defense Department's highest civilian medal, a reflection of his unwavering commitment to his country and the people he served.

In his final years, David expressed his gratitude to those who cared for him at UNM Neurological ICU. He passed on May 23, 2014, leaving behind a legacy of compassion, knowledge, and service. His family will hold private services, and memorial contributions are requested for the Animal Humane Association in lieu of flowers.

David L. Wilson's memory lives on through those he touched, his enduring legacy of service and understanding, and his lifelong quest for knowledge that continues to inspire us all.

David’s career was a remarkable blend of service and curiosity, marked not only by his contributions to national defense but also by his relentless pursuit of understanding life’s greater mysteries. From his days in the Navy to his leadership in overseeing nuclear test sites, David L. Wilson embodied the values of honor and dedication. His passion for exploring the spiritual realm, through Near Death Experiences and the Afterlife, left an indelible mark on those fortunate to learn from him.

As we close the chapter on David's extraordinary journey, we remember a man whose life was filled with purpose. His contributions to his country and the lasting impact of his explorations into the unknown will continue to inspire us for generations. David L. Wilson lived a life defined by service, knowledge, and a thirst for discovery—a legacy that will never be forgotten.



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