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Poem - We Served, Lest We Forget!

We Served, lest we Forget!

by: J.D. Ryder

In fields where courage blooms, they rest,

Their valor woven in the nation's crest.

In war's fierce grip, they stood the test,

Their sacrifice, our eternal quest.

Through battles fought and peace pursued,

Their memories in our hearts imbued.

For freedom's cause, they bravely flew,

In honor, we remember, true and true.

In every dawn, their spirit lives on,

In deeds of valor, now they're gone.

We stand in awe, their legacy drawn,

Saluting heroes, forever strong.

In silent reverence, we'll always hold,

Their stories told, in whispers bold.

For those who served, in tales untold,

In gratitude, our hearts enfold.

For those who've passed, in duty's call,

Their names in history's hall.

In reverence, we stand tall,

Forever remembered, one and all.


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