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Tribute to Atomic Veteran Army Specialist Michael Glen Westfall

Tribute to Atomic Veteran Army Specialist Michael Glen Westfall: Hauling the Burden of Contaminated Lands

Rank: Army Specialist

Branch: Army

Unit: B Company, 84th Engineer Battalion

Service Dates: October 1, 1978 - March 30, 1979

Service Location: Lojwa, Janet, Boken — Enewetak Atoll

Michael Glen Westfall was part of the monumental task of the Enewetak Atoll Atomic Debris Cleanup Mission, a mission that defined the courage and resilience of those who served in one of the most hazardous environments imaginable. Serving with B Company, 84th Engineer Battalion, Specialist Westfall embraced multiple responsibilities, becoming a pivotal figure in ensuring the success of the operation.

Westfall's primary role was as a truck driver, tasked with the transportation of contaminated soil from Lojwa to Runit Island aboard Landing Craft Utility (LCUs). His daily work in the hauling of irradiated materials directly contributed to the containment and cleanup of the radioactive fallout that had been poisoning the islands since the nuclear tests. The roads he traveled and the equipment he operated carried with them not only earth and debris, but the hope of restoring safety to these contaminated lands.

Westfall’s adaptability and dedication extended beyond the steering wheel. When not driving trucks, he was cross-trained on heavy equipment, operating bucket loaders to move materials and support the overall effort. His ability to switch roles—from truck driver to heavy equipment operator—demonstrates the versatility and commitment that was required of the men during the mission.

His work took him across the islands of Lojwa, Janet, and Boken, each facing their own levels of contamination. Whether he was transporting hazardous materials, driving through challenging terrain, or operating massive machinery, Westfall’s contributions were essential to the progress of the cleanup.

Despite his significant role in the mission, Westfall and many others like him face ongoing health challenges from their exposure to radioactive materials. His service in such a high-risk environment underscores the need for continued assistance and recognition for the veterans who participated in this critical mission.

Michael Glen Westfall’s dedication to duty, his adaptability, and his perseverance under dangerous conditions serve as a testament to the strength and sacrifice of the Atomic Cleanup Veterans. His story shines a light on the relentless efforts of those who, day by day, took on the enormous task of decontaminating lands, even as they faced invisible dangers that would impact them for years to come.


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